The heinous 17th Amendment to the Constitution instituted the general election of Senators by popular vote, just like members of the House of Representatives.
This ended the ingenious design of the Founding Fathers wherein two Senators were selected by each State Assembly, comprised of persons deemed worthy to be entrusted to State office by the local citizenry reliably familiar with one's reputation and preceding public service in their home community.
These highly regarded State Assembly members would so carefully choose, often with fervent debate, two persons most trusted to abide faithfully to the Constitution, that a Senator is designated to serve a six year term as opposed to generally elected House members who serve only two and the President who serves four.
The Founding Fathers wisely precluded Senators from campaigning, knowing that if one could not buy Senate influence, it’s useless to bribe House members or a President. This proved to be such a successful impediment to those with ulterior motives sufficient to betray the Constitution, that they had no other choice but to change it. Exposing the entire law making process to equal financial pressure invited wholesale corruption.
The dereliction of duty by a cowardly or purposefully complicit Congress, to hold the de facto President accountable to the rule of law, impeach or depose him, or to at least seek a Supreme Court ruling on the known ineligibility of the usurper Obama, is proof that the British historian Lord Acton was correct in saying, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Once elected, members of Congress, particularly Senators, invariably with rare exception eventually surmise that their position of power is probably permanent. They are afforded this sense of invincibility based on being to bribe enough constituents unconcerned about accountability or compliance with the Constitution.
As Alexis de Tocqueville, author of "Democracy in America" astutely observed, “The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.”
Unconscionable cavalier arrogance combined with venal malfeasance dominates our Congress today, particularly in the Senate. Their blatant disregard for vigilant conservative constituents concerned with Constitutional compliance, is derived from distinct advantages incumbents have over challengers in elections; not the least of which is the means to manipulate apathetic, uninformed or solely self-serving voters via servile mass media, promoting dependency on government largess and strategically timed politically driven financial inducements.
This frequently insurmountable advantage, in effect crowns incumbents with a misguided yet unfortunately subversively valid sense of invincibility that increases with multiple terms. The trend being that Senators succumb to temptation, no doubt prompted by pressures of financing one's campaign, combined with opportunistic imperfections inherent in human nature concomitant with wielding indefinitely retained power. Invariably with few exceptions, Senators become increasingly unconcerned with Constitutional constraints. As might a Machiavellian monarch, all to often they feel above the law and entitled to impose their personal opinion on "we the people" due to the progressive adulteration and abandonment of our Constitution. The heinous 17th amendment implemented in 1913, is a key component of the insidious internal treachery threatening American prosperity and our individual liberty.
This treasonous Trojan horse deftly disguised as citizen empowerment by expanding the popular vote to Senators, was covertly designed to dismantle the Constitution's very heart of checks and balances previously preventing wholesale corruption. The 17th amendment purposefully removed the vital safeguard, wisely designed by our Founders of having familiar and trusted State Assembly members select two Senators for Congress. Dangerous delusions of grandeur all to often afflict entrenched members of Congress, especially Senators enjoying multiple six year terms. Now unshackled from the Founders intended constraints, they ignore their solemnly sworn oath to support and defend the Constitution with near impunity. Their demonstrated willingness to illegally assume absolute power over "we the people" by acts of absolute corruption, signals an urgency to immediately repeal the 17th amendment.
Essentially they know it's a numbers game. One that responsible, hard working, liberty loving, law abiding citizens are needlessly losing, given that such citizens comprise the vast majority of Americans. We the people can easily end the political influence peddling and corruption currently destroying America from within.
Independent of interference by Congress pursuant to Article 5 of the U.S. Constitution, as sovereign State citizens we must individually resolve to restore the checks and balances of our Founder’s ingenious original design by only electing those State Assembly members who pledge to repeal the horrendous 17th amendment!
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